There is no folder called LanguageCode. This word actually stands for the language code that corresponds to the language of the dictionary you are adding. You have to place the dictionary file in the folder that corresponds to its language, or Déjà Vu X2 won't be able to use it correctly.
Click on the link to see a page with a list of languages and their corresponding codes, in the Language Code Identifier (LCID) column.
Click on the link to see a page with a list of languages and their corresponding codes, in the Language Code Identifier (LCID) column.
To add a new dictionary to Déjà Vu X2, for use with the Spell Checker:
- Place the dictionary file (a file with the extension .tlx) in the appropriate folder.
- In Windows Vista, 7 and 8, the folder is C:\ProgramData\ATRIL\Deja Vu X2\Spelling\LanguageCode
- In Windows XP, the folder is C:\Documents and settings\All Users\Application data\ATRIL\Deja Vu X2\Spelling\LanguageCode
- Open Déjà Vu X2.
- Open a project.
- Press the key F7 to bring up the spell checker window.
- Click on Dictionaries, and then on Add File...
- Find the folder you put the dictionary file in, select it and click on OK.
- Now, when you activate the Spell Checker, the dictionary you added will be available for use.