
Custom SQL filters for Quality Assurance

Following are some SQL Statements you can use for the Quality Assurance check, and in the Segment Selector, to highlight segments in the project that have specific problems or features you wish to be alerted to.

Click on a statement's name to see an explanation of what it will show when used in Déjà Vu.

Name SQL (Structured Query Language)
Orthography - Consistent Capitalization
StrComp(Source, LCase(Source), 0) = -1) XOR (StrComp(Target_XXXX, LCase(Target_XXXX), 0) = -1
Orthography - Consistent Capitalization (ignoring empty segments)
(StrComp(Source, LCase(Source), 0) = -1) XOR (StrComp(Target_XXXX, LCase(Target_XXXX), 0) = -1) AND Target_XXXX <> ""
Punctuation - full stop .
Source LIKE "*.*" XOR Target_XXXX LIKE "*.*"
Punctuation - parentheses ()
(Source like "*(*" and Target_XXXX not like "*)*") OR (Source like "*)*" and Target_XXXX not like "*)*")
Punctuation - brackets (), [], {}, and <>
(Source like '*(*)*' and Target_XXXX not like '*(*)*') OR (Source like '*[[]*[]]*' and Target_XXXX not like '*[[]*[]]*') OR (Source like '*\{*\}*' and Target_XXXX not like '*\{*\}*') OR (Source like '*<*>*' and Target_XXXX not like '*<*>*')
Punctuation - Spanish inverted marks ¡, ¿
(Source LIKE "*[?]*" AND Target_XXXX NOT LIKE "*[¿]*[?]*") OR (Source LIKE "*!*" AND Target_XXXX NOT LIKE "*¡*!*")
Non-translatables - symbols @, ©, %, ‰, ®
(Source like "*@*" xor Target_XXXX like "*@*") or (Source like "*©*" xor Target_XXXX like "*©*") or (Source like "*%*" xor Target_XXXX like "*%*") or (Source like "*‰*" xor Target_XXXX like "*‰*") or (Source like "*®*" xor Target_XXXX like "*®*") or (Source like "*\*" xor Target_XXXX like "*\*")
Non-translatables - alphanumeric compounds
(Source LIKE '*[0-9][a-z]*' XOR Target_XXXX LIKE '*[0-9][a-z]*') OR (Source LIKE '*[az][0-9]*' XOR Target_XXXX LIKE '*[az][0-9]*')
Length - target longer than source
LEN(Target_XXXX) > LEN(Source)
Length (subtitles) - longer than 36 characters
LEN(Target_XXXX) > 36
Spaces - missing space
Source LIKE "* *" XOR Target_XXXX LIKE "* *"
Spaces - redundant spaces (double blanks)
Source LIKE "*  *" XOR Target_XXXX LIKE "*  *"
Spaces - before and after tags
(Source LIKE '* {[1-9]*} *') XOR (Target_XXXX LIKE '* {[1-9]*} *')
Same text in source and target columns
Source = Target_XXXX
Segments that have text in the target column
Target_XXXX <> ''
Segments that begin with a lower case letter
Source LIKE "[a-z]*" AND StrComp(left(Source,1),lcase(left(Source,1)),0) = 0
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