
What are Guaranteed Matches?

Guaranteed matches are exact matches that also take into account the context of the current segment. This means that, in order to be marked as a Guaranteed match, the current segment must exist in the Translation Memory, as well as one or more segments before it and one or more segments after it. This article will provide examples to show how Guaranteed Matches work in Déjà Vu.

Finding Guaranteed Matches in a project

For this example, we use a plain text file that contains the following text:

Sample sentence 001.
Sample sentence 002.
Sample sentence 003.
Sample sentence 004.
Sample sentence 005.
Sample sentence 006.
Sample sentence 007.
Sample sentence 008.
Sample sentence 009.
Sample sentence 010.

We import the file into a Déjà Vu project, and translate all the segments:

Then, we add the translations to the Translation Memory.

Now, we use another plain text file that has the same sentences as the previous one, but in a different order:

Sample sentence 001.
Sample sentence 002.
Sample sentence 003.
Sample sentence 009.
Sample sentence 007.
Sample sentence 004.
Sample sentence 010.
Sample sentence 005.
Sample sentence 008.
Sample sentence 006.

We PreTranslate this new file using the option Accept only exact matches (for simplicity), and a Context Size of 3. The context size specifies how many segments Déjà Vu will look for to establish that the context of the current segment also matches what is in the Translation Memory. A context size of 3 specifies that Déjà Vu will check the previous segment, the current segment and the next segment (a total of 3 segments).

With a context size of 3, our sample project looks like this:

The first 2 segment are marked as Guaranteed Matches (be default, orange), and the rest are marked as Exact Matches (by default, dark green).

Comparing the two text files side by side in the project, you can see why Déjà Vu marked the segments this way:

  • The segment "Oración de muestra 001." was followed by the segment "Oración de muestra 002" in the first document, and the same thing happens in the second document, so that segment is marked as Guaranteed in the second document after PreTranslation. The segment "Oración de muestra 002" was preceded by the segment "Oración de muestra 001.", and followed by the segment "Oración de muestra 003." in the first document, and the same is true in the second document, so it also gets marked as Guaranteed.
  • The segment "Oración de muestra 004." was preceded by the segment "Oración de muestra 003.", and followed by the segment "Oración de muestra 005." in the first document, but not so in the second document. Although the segment itself is the same in both documents, its context is different, so the segment "Oración de muestra 004." is marked as an Exact Match in the second document, and not as Guaranteed.

Enabling Guaranteed Matches

Click here to learn how to enable Déjà Vu to find Guaranteed Matches.

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