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Error message, DVX3 won't open any project. False diagnostic "the other application is busy".

When I try to open a project, instead of opening it, a window opens as follows:

     This action cannot be completed because the other application is busy. Choose 'SwitchTo' to activate the busy application and correct the problem.
Switch To... Retry Cancel.

(Of course, no other application is open, as confirmed by my process explorer.  Also, clicking on the "Switch to" button multiple times does nothing, as does clicking the "Retry" button.)

I have already updated and repaired DVX3 Professional twice, with rebooting Windows 10 64-bit Pro operating system in between.

My hardware is a standard Hewlett Packard Pavilion 500 desktop PC.

I am not in a User with administrative privileges, but I ran the updating and repair As an Administrator.

Stewart Colten

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(After hitting "Cancel" many times, got error report, but error reporting of Atril malfunctioned!)

Unexpected Error
DejaVuX3 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
If you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost.
Please tell ATRIL about this problem
We have created an error report that you can send to help us to improve DejaVuX3. We will treat this report as confidential.
Technical Details:
DejaVuX 3.mSpelling.EnsureWordIsOpen
-2147418111: Automation error
The operation completed successfully.
To view additional information on this error, or see what data this error report contains, click here.
Error signature
Name: DejaVuX3
Version: 9.0.765
Number: -2147418111
Error: Automation error
The operation completed successfully.
Module: mSpelling
Procedure: EnsureWordIsOpen
Line: 0

Stewart Colten 0 votes
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This means that DVX3 is querying another application and waiting for a reply. If it happens right after you open a project, the most likely explanation is that DVX3 is trying to use the Office Spellchecker to perform an inline spell check, but the Officer Spellchecker is not responding.

This article should help with that:

Atril Support 0 votes
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