
How to export a translation memory to TEAMserver

To export a local Translation memory to the TEAMserver Translation Memory:

  1. Open the Translation Memory you wish to export in DVX3.
  2. Access the External Data section of the ribbon, then click on TEAMserver:
  3. The Translation Memory Export wizard will appear:
  4. Enter the URL for your TEAMserver, and your username and password, and click Next.
  5. In the next page of the wizard, specify the languages you want to export to TEAMserver by selecting each language you want from the Available column and clicking Add ->:

    You can also click Add All >> if you want to export everything.
  6. Click Next when you are done.
  7. You can skip the next page, if you want to export all the segments of the Translation Memory:
  8. DVX3 will begin sending data to the TEAMserver:
  9. When the wizard is finished click Close.
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