An Elevated Command Prompt (commonly known as "The Command Line", or "DOS Window") is one that has Administrator privileges. This will allow you to run commands that require Administrator privileges to run. To find out how to open an Elevated Command Prompt, click on the version of Windows you are using, below:
Windows XP |
Windows 7 |
Windows 8 |
Windows 10 |
In Windows XP, by default, users have Administrator privileges, so any Command Prompt you open in Windows XP will be elevated.
- Open the Start Menu
- Access the menu option All Programs>Accessories:

- Click Command Prompt.
- The Command Prompt will open:

In some environments (e.g. offices), Windows XP User Accounts will not have Administrator Privileges by default. Is this is the case for you, you will most likely need the assistance of your office's It Service to open an Elevated Command Prompt.
- Open the Start Menu
- Type the letters c m d:

- Right-click on the option cmd.exe option and, in the menu that pops up, click Run as administrator:

- A dialog from Windows User Account Control will appear:
 Click Yes.
Depending on your computer's configuration, and likely if you are on a corporate or institutional network, you may instead be asked to enter a user name and password:  The user name you type here must be for a user account that has Administrator privileges. If you do not know what user name to use here, ask your IT personnel for assistance.
- The Command Prompt will open:

- Open the Start Menu
- Type the letters c m d:

- Right-click on the option cmd.exe option and, in the menu that pops up, click Run as administrator:

- A dialog from Windows User Account Control will appear:
 Click Yes.
Depending on your computer's configuration, and likely if you are on a corporate or institutional network, you may instead be asked to enter a user name and password:  The user name you type here must be for a user account that has Administrator privileges. If you do not know what user name to use here, ask your IT personnel for assistance.
- The Command Prompt will open:

- Open the Start Menu
- Type the letters c m d:

- Right-click on the option cmd.exe option and, in the menu that pops up, click Run as administrator:

- A dialog from Windows User Account Control will appear:
 Click Yes.
Depending on your computer's configuration, and likely if you are on a corporate or institutional network, you may instead be asked to enter a user name and password:  The user name you type here must be for a user account that has Administrator privileges. If you do not know what user name to use here, ask your IT personnel for assistance.
- The Command Prompt will open:
