
Browse the TEAMserver Translation Memory

You can use the Administration console of the TEAMserver to browse the segments that are stored in the TEAMserver's Translation Memory. To do this, you use a search interface to specify search criteria that are used by the TEAMserver to produce a list of segments. You can this see these segments, modify them, and even export them to a TMX file.

To browse the Translation Memory

  1. Log onto the administration console.
  2. Click on the Translation Memory link on the menu on the top of the page.
  3. The Translation Memory page appears.
  4. The selection criteria interface is shown in the main section of the page.

Selection Criteria

The browsing interface for the Translation Memory allows you create a view of the Translation Memory which contains only the segment pairs that match the search criteria you specficy. Each selection criterion is composed of the following elements:

  • a Field name. Each segment in the Translation Memory has information associated with it that is stored in Fields, e.g.: Project Name, Source User, Subject, etc. By specifying a Field, you can tell the TEAMserver that you want to see segments that have some value for that particular Field.
  • an Operator. An operator let's you tell the TEAMserver that you want to find segments with Fields that contain values that are equal to something, not equal to something, greater than or less than something, and so on. The operators are displayed using symbols such as =, >=, NOT =, LIKE, etc.
  • a Value. This is the "something" mentioned above that you want to compare the value of a field to. Values are entered directly or selected from a dropdown list of values available for a field.

The available search criteria

You can construct a set of criteria for searching the Translation Memory in the TEAMserver using the following fields:

Field Operators Values Description
Project ID =, >, >=, <, <=, NOT = Numeric The ID of Déjà Vu project the segment was sent from
Project Name =, NOT = Dropdown The name of Déjà Vu project the segment was sent from
Browsing Language =, NOT = Dropdown The source language of the segment
Target Language =, NOT = Dropdown The target language of the segment
Source Sentence =, NOT =, LIKE Text The source text of the segment
Target Sentence =, NOT =, LIKE Text The target text of the segment
Client =, NOT =, LIKE Text The client tag of the segment
Subject =, NOT =, LIKE Text The subject tag of the segment
Source Date =, >, >=, <, <=, NOT = Date The date the source text of the segment was added or last modified
Target Date =, >, >=, <, <=, NOT = Date The date the target text of the segment was added or last modified
Source User =, NOT =, LIKE Text The name of the user who added or last modified the source text of the segment
Target User =, NOT =, LIKE Text The name of the user who added or last modified the target text of the segment

The available operators

The following table shows what operators are available to use with search criteria, and what they mean.

Symbol Name Description
= equal to This finds segments with a Field value that is equal to the value you specify.
> greater than This finds segments with a Field value that is greater than the value you specify.
>= greater than or equal to This finds segments with a Field value that is greater than or equal to the value you specify
< less than This finds segments with a Field value that is less than the value you specify.
<= less than or equal to This finds segments with a Field value that is less than or equal to the value you specify.
NOT = not equal to This finds segments with a Field value that is different from the value you specify.
LIKE LIKE This finds segments that have a Field value that contains the value you specify. This is only used for Fields that contain text, and it must be used with a wild-card in order to produce results.

Note: The LIKE operator is similar to the standard string equality operator (=), except that it allows the user to specify a pattern which includes wildcard characters. For example, using the LIKE operator with the value “%computer%” will match all translation pairs where the specified field has a value that contains the word “computer” anywhere inside the value. For more information, please consult the SQL Server 2005 or 2008 documentation for the LIKE operator in Transact-SQL.

Multiple selection criteria can be combined by adding new criteria and combining them with the existing ones using the And and Or operators.

Examples of search criteria in use

Following are some examples that illustrate how the Search Criteria and the operators shown above can be used to find segments in the Translation Memory.

  • Find segments that have Argentinian Spanish as the language of the source text:
  • Find segments whose source text was added on or after May 21st, 2010:
  • Find segments whose source text is exactly equal to "The dog's name is Spot."
  • Find segments whose target text contains the word "dog":

To specify a view of the Translation Memory

  1. In the Translation Memory page, locate the selection criteria builder interface.
  2. From the first dropdown list (with the predefined value "– Please Select –"), select the field that corresponds to your selection criteria.
  3. From the second dropdown list (with the predefined value “=”), select the operator that corresponds to your selection criteria.
  4. If the field provides a set of values, select one from the third dropdown list.

    If not, enter the desired value for your selection criteria in the text box (which has a predefined value of "(enter value)").
  5. Click on the Add Criterion button to add the current criterion to the list of selection criteria.
  6. (Optional.) Specify additional criteria, and use the rightmost dropdown list (with the predefined value "None") to specify the logical operator to use to combine each new criterion.

    And will mean that you want to find segments that match both the existing criterion and the new criterion you are adding. Or will find segments that match the existing criterion or the new criterion, or both.
  7. (Optional.) Use the Up, Down and Remove links in the selection criteria list to remove or reorder selection criteria.
  8. Click on the Get Translations button to display the view constructed from the specified selection criteria.

If view contains a large number of segments, the administration console will split the view into multiple pages. You can navigate through the pages by clicking on the page numbers at the top and the bottom of the current view page, or by using the [First Page], [Previous Page], [Next Page] and [Last Page] links at the bottom of the view.

While browsing a specific Translation Memory view, you can view and modify specific entries in the view, as well as delete selected entries or the entire view.

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