
Object library invalid or contains references to object definitions that could not be found

If you find that when you are working with Office documents (importing, exporting, aligning, etc.) with Déjà Vu, or when you are attempting to use the buttons that Déjà Vu X2 adds to the toolbar in Word to work with embedded objects, you get this message:

Object library invalid or contains references to object definitions that could not be found.

This means that the installation of the Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime in your computer has a problem. You can read an article published by Microsoft about this problem here.

That article recommends that you do the following:

To resolve the problem, delete cached versions of the control type libraries. To do this, search the hard disk for “.exd,” and then delete all occurrences. The .exd files are re-created automatically by using the new controls the next time that you use VBA.

By deleting these files, you will make Visual Basic replace the files that are causing the error message to appear with newly created versions of those files that will not have the same problem. This should ensure that you do not get that message in the future and are able to work with Office and Déjá Vu.

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