
How to import a MultiTerm glossary into Déjà Vu

To import a MultiTerm Glossary into Déjà Vu, you must first export the glossary from MultiTerm into a format that Déjà Vu supports.

Export glossary from MultiTerm

From within MultiTerm, define an export filter and select the fields you want to import into Déjà Vu. In order to simplify the process, it is best to export only the source term and the target term (in the case of a simple, bilingual glossary). At any rate, the resulting exported items must be in the form of a simple table or text delimited list. For more information on this procedure, please refer to the MultiTerm Manual.

Import glossary into Déjà Vu

To learn how to import a MultiTerm glossary into a Déjà Vu Termbase, click on the version of Déjà Vu that you are using, below:

Déjà Vu X2 Déjà Vu X3
  1. Open or create the Termbase you want to import the MultiTerm entries into.
  2. Access the menu option File>Import>External Data....
  3. Follow the wizard.
  4. When prompted, select the option MultiTerm 5.5 as the import format.
  5. Follow the Wizard to completion.

For more information on this procedure, please refer to the Déjà Vu X2 Manual.

  1. Open or create the Termbase you want to import the MultiTerm entries into.
  2. Access the External Data section of the ribbon.
  3. Click on MultiTerm.
  4. The Termbase Import Wizard appears.
  5. Follow the Wizard to completion.

For more information on this procedure, please refer to the Déjà Vu X3 Manual.

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