Click on the version of Déjà Vu that you are using to learn how to export a Termbase to Excel format.
Déjà Vu X2 |
Déjà Vu X3 |
- Open the Termbase you wish to export to Excel format.
- Access the following menu option File>Export>File or Database.
- When prompted by the wizard, select Excel 97/2000/XP as the data format.
- Click Next.
- Select a name and a location for the new Excel spreadsheet that the Termbase will be exported to.
- Click Next.
- The wizard prompts you to specify the fields you are planning to export.

- Click Add.

- Specify for each exportable field the Field Type, Language, the column header in the Excel file (Export As), and the relation to other selected fields.

- Continue until you have selected and specified all necessary fields.
 You can move the fields with the up and the down arrows to the right of the selection field. Click Next.
- The wizard prompts you to enter any filtering condition, i.e., criteria by which you want to filter the export of your database.

- If you choose to enter an expression, verify it by clicking the Validate button. If the expression proves to be valid, click Next.
–Or– If you choose not to enter an expression, click Next.
- Give the worksheet within the Excel spreadsheet the desired name or leave the default name.
- Click Next.
- The wizard displays the current settings.
- Click Finish.
- The wizard displays the import progress; when it is finished, it shows how many records have been added.
- Click Close and you are returned to your Termbase view.
- Open the Termbase you wish to export to Excel format.
- Access the External Data section of the ribbon and then click on Excel in the Export group.
- Select a name and a location for the new Excel spreadsheet that the Termbase will be exported to.
- Click Next.
- The wizard prompts you to specify the fields you are planning to export.

- Click Add.

- Specify for each exportable field the Field Type, Language, the column header in the Excel file (Export As), and the relation to other selected fields.

- Continue until you have selected and specified all necessary fields.
 You can move the fields with the up and the down arrows to the right of the selection field. When you are done, click Next.
- The wizard prompts you to enter any filtering condition, i.e., criteria by which you want to filter the export of your database.

- If you choose to enter an expression, verify it by clicking the Validate button. If the expression proves to be valid, click Next.
–Or– If you choose not to enter an expression, click Next.
- Give the worksheet within the Excel spreadsheet the desired name or leave the default name.
- Click Next.
- The wizard displays the current settings.
- Click Finish.
- The wizard displays the import progress; when it is finished, it shows how many records have been added.
- Click Close and you are returned to your Termbase view.