
How to find duplicate segments in a Translation Memory

You can have Déjà Vu X3 look for duplicate segments in a Translation Memory, in much the same way you can in a project. To do so:

  1. Open the Translation Memory you want to search for duplicate segments in.
  2. Access the Home section of the Ribbon, and click on Find Duplicates.
  3. The Find Duplicate Segments dialog will appear:
  4. There are several options available in this dialog:


    • Find sets of duplicate source segments: This will find sets of segments that have the same text in the source language, regardless of what their translations are.
    • Find sets of duplicate source segments with identical translations: This will find sets of segments that have the same text in the source language, and the same text in their translations. The option Delete redundant segments in each set of duplicates will delete all but one of each set of duplicate segments. This requires that you specify a target language for Déjà Vu X3 to compare.
    • Find sets of duplicate source segments with different translations: This will find sets of segments that have the same text in the source language, but that differ in their translations. This requires that you specify a target language for Déjà Vu X3 to compare.


    Here you specify that source language of segments to look for, and the target language as well, if necessary.


    • Ignore case: With this option, THIS SENTENCE would be considered a duplicate of this sentence.
    • Ignore numerals: With this option, A 100 m dash would be a duplicate of A 50 m dash.
    • Ignore inline tags: With this option, This {101}sentence{102} would be a duplicate of This sentence.
  5. When you have finished settings the options you need, click OK.
  6. Déjà Vu X3 will search for sets of duplicate segments, and let you know how many segments it has found. You can then click Close.
  7. In the main Déjà Vu X3 window, click Duplicates only:
  8. This will display only the segments that been marked as Duplicate by Déjà Vu X3:
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