
Check the activation status of Déjà Vu

To find out how to check the current activation status of Déjà Vu, click on the version of Déjà Vu you are using, below:

Déjà Vu X2 Déjà Vu X3
  1. Access the menu option Help>About....
  2. The About Déjà Vu X2 box appears, showing the current activation status of Déjà Vu X2:
  1. Access the menu option File>Account.
  2. The account page will show the current activation status of Déjà Vu X3:

Note: Pay attention to the edition of Déjà Vu X3 that it is activated as. Different editions support different features, and the FREE edition supports fewer features than the paid editions. You can see more information about that here.

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